

CC=0 作业正确执行(Executed Successfully)
CC=4  警告 一般不影响作业执行 (Executed Successfully but with warnings)
CC=8 作业可以执行,但执行的不完整 (Error)
CC=12 作业不能执行 (Serious Error)
CC=16 严重错误,中断后续命令的执行(Fatal Error)
ABEND 作业异常终止


S0C4 Protection Abend.Caused by the subscript being out of range
S0C5 Addressing Abend.Caused by invalid address specification. i.e. The address points
to an instruction, control word or data outside the available real storage
S0C7 Caused by a bad data. i.e. Data exception. When we are moving an alphanumeric field to a numeric computational field this Abend occurs. The result is an Abend failure
S222 Caused by a job being cancelled by the operator, due to a request by the program for an unavailable resource.
S237 Caused by end of volume being encountered.
S322 Caused when CPU time assigned to the job, job step, or procedure has been exceeded. i.e. Time out error.
S413 This abend occurs if the DD statement referenced by UNIT=AFF statement is not closed before the DD statement that comes before it.
S522 Caused when a wait state exceeds an installation-defined time limit.
SB37 Caused by lack of sufficient Secondary space
SD37 Caused by lack of sufficient Primary space
SE37 Caused by lack of space for PDS (Partitioned data set)
S722 Too many lines of print.
S804 Region too small for the program.
S806 Program not on the library. May need a JOBLIB or STEPLIB.
S80A Region too small for the program.
S913 Security violation.
SB14 No space in a library directory for this member's name.
SB37 Insufficient disk space.
S0C1 Executing a program with an unresolved external reference.
S042 Privileged Operation Abend.Read/write to unopened file
S0C6 Specification Abend
S0CB Attempting to divide by 0 and not using ON SIZE ERROR
U1002 Conflicting file attributes. See S013.
U1005 Executing with modules compiled both with RES and NORES
U1006 Subscript out of range
U1017 Missing DD statement in JCL for DISPLAY or ACCEPT verb
U1020 Problem opening or processing a file.Check the file status.
U1035 Conflicting DCB parameters. Same as S013.
U1056 Program didn't close a file before ending
U4038 COBOL LE intercepted the Abend. Messages in CEEDUMP.

Job异常终止(Abend)的原因很多,返回码也是列不完的。上述仅仅是列举了稍微比较常见的abend返回码而已。在遇到具体返回码的时候,还是需要查manual,看job log。当然,如果你所在的公司恰好也安装了类似于MVS/QuickRef的帮助文档,那就再好不过了,只需一个命令:QW xxx即可随时查看返回码。具体可以参看我之前写的一篇文章:
QW命令——MVS/QuickRef帮助文档 。当然,如果没有安装这类的帮助文档,那也没关系,因为任何时候,Google和baidu都是你最好的帮手。

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